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St Francis Church of England School

computing and ICT

At St Francis, computers and other forms of ICT equipment are used throughout the school. In this ever-changing technologically enhanced environment, we feel that it is important to teach ICT skills both discretely and in the context of other curriculum areas.

Fully immersed in ICT, the children are taught using Interactive whiteboard and visualisers with digital cameras, voice recorders, data loggers and numerous other technologies also playing an important role in establishing a fully integrated approach to ICT teaching. Using the schools laptops and Ipads, our children are taught how to access information, evaluate its suitability, store it, share it with others and tailor it to meet their own needs. Alongside this, a secure Wi-Fi network throughout the school ensures full connectivity.

To read more about our computing curriculum, please click here to see the scheme of work for years 1 to 6.

Staying safe online, also known as E-safety, is taught throughout the school as part of the ICT and PSHCE curriculum.  


At St Francis we believe it is very important to give E-Safety a high profile and to ensure that all pupils using technology, both in school and at home, understand how to remain safe and in control. For further information, please see our E-safety policy and codes of conduct.

The following websites contain useful advice for children and parents/ carers.

CEOP Child exploitation and online protection centre 



UK Safer Internet Centre 


Children are also expected to adhere to the E-safety Code of Conduct and parents and carers support this by signing a copy along with their children. The links below will take you to the relevant code for your child's age phase.

Foundation and Key Stage 1 Code of Conduct

Key Stage 2 Code of Conduct