St Francis CE Primary School Curriculum
Click here to read the St. Francis Relationships Model
We are embedding our Parish meta-narrative - JOHN 10:10B ‘living life to the fullest’, which encompasses and asks us to reflect deeply with all of our stakeholders about how we might best live our lives so that they are the richest and hold the greatest of meaning.
At St Francis school we pride ourselves on leading a curriculum that is focused on developing the whole child, their skills, knowledge, attitudes, interests and provides children with the cultural and social capital that they need to be successful.
Wherever possible, learning is grounded in real life experiences and provides children with the opportunity to broaden their horizons. This is achieved through Outdoor Learning, whole school projects and by embracing opportunities in our local area.
At St Francis CE Primary School we aim to provide an enriching curriculum and offer opportunities for children to increase their cultural capital. Please see the document below to view an overview of these trips, visits, workshops and events.
Our Nursery and Foundation Stage classes are busy, happy places where children and adults have lots of fun whilst learning and growing together. The classes follow the Foundation Stage curriculum which is a national framework for children of this age. The children learn through playing and exploring, being active and through critical thinking. Children are encouraged to make choices, develop independence and take responsibility for their choices and actions. To achieve this, we provide an exciting stimulating indoor and outdoor learning environment with nooks and crannies for imaginative play or quiet thinking and where children can develop their skills in all areas of learning.
Our Nursery and Reception Curriculum are based around key themes with supporting texts.
Long term planning for Key Stage One and Two is devised using the National Curriculum. Teacher ensure that all of the statutory elements are covered whilst also enabling breadth and depth of knowledge, skills and understanding to be achieved.
The curriculum is now mostly planned on a single year cycle, with teachers working in phase teams to provide children with exciting learning opportunities centred around a termly project. Class teachers then differentiate termly plans accordingly in order to provide an appropriate challenge level for all pupils.